Covid Stress Relief
for care staff
This is a stressful time for staff at retirement and medical facilities. Our populations are fragile and more isolated than ever. We are required to care for residents or patients in different and difficult ways. Communication is difficult due to masks and constant changes in rules and policies. Personal stress and general fear and malaise about the pandemic can lead to heightened stress in the workplace.
The value of committed staff and caregivers during this time is immeasurable. It’s more important than ever to recognize and reward staff to prevent burnout and conflict.
We’ve designed an expressive art program especially for caregivers. In groups of eight or fewer, socially distanced, outside at your facility, we gently guide your staff in a fun, relaxing, affirming two hour session of creative play.
Art can help us see the world differently, it can make us feel better about ourselves and inspire us. Making art in a group setting, letting go of pre-conceived ideas of what it is to be “good enough” can lead to increased self confidence, a new focus and an improved sense of wellbeing. And it’s fun!
We provide canvases, paint and collage items, a short discussion on the benefits of creativity for individuals and teams, and guidance through the process of intuitive painting. No experience is necessary: we thrive on working with people who think they are “not artists!”